Campus Leaders Project

The Citizens’ Climate Lobby Campus Leaders Project is an effort to build a network of youth leaders, who can anchor, liaise with, or support CCL groups on college and university campuses. The intention is to ensure young people interested in taking a leadership role in the design of our climate future can serve effectively as CCL Ambassadors to their fellow students, access the full landscape of resources available to Citizens’ Climate Lobby volunteers and local group leaders, and work effectively with CCL leaders in their city and country, to host trainings, meet with lawmakers, and build public awareness.


  • The Campus Leaders Project is led by Morgan Wood, who is building on her experience assisting in the coordination of student leaders across 64 campuses of the State University of New York system.
  • Morgan is working with the Global Climate Civics Interns team and with the GCCI coordinator Sarabeth Brockley, to ensure coherence and organizational consistency with CCL’s Global Strategy and the development of the CCEN.
  • The GCCI Program and Campus Leaders Project both report to Citizens’ Climate Education Global Strategy Director Joseph Robertson.

If you would like to learn more about the Campus Leaders Project, or if you have a recommendation for someone to fill the role of Ambassador for your campus, please use the form below: